VMware Skyline – Log transfer issue

If you are a Skyline user probably you are aware of the required permissions for different solutions. Here, I would like to introduce a permission issue with the vCenter server. Collecting logs from vCenter servers, require an account with the following permissions (Based on the KB updated in May, 2020.):

  • vCenter Server Read-Only role
  • Global.Licenses
  • Global.Diagnostics
  • Global.Health
  • Global.Settings
  • Host Profile.View

You may see that the log transfer has failed, but in Skyline Advisor you have a general error description only, which is not very helpful. Checking Skyline Collector’s latest logs could be an option and if you see the following message, that means additional permissions are required for the collector user.

“…Couldn’t add property sessionManager.sessionList because of access exception. Maybe the user is not privileged enough. Error class: com.vmware.vim.binding.vim.fault.NoPermission, error message: Permission to perform this operation was denied

To add permissions to Skyline’s user, go to vCenter’s Adminstration page, and select Roles. Select the Skyline user’s role, find and check out the following permissions under Sessions:

  • Sessions.Validate Session
  • Sessions.View and Stop sessions

Once it’s complete, login to the Skyline Advisor, click on Log Assist tab, go to Initiate Log Transfer page and select RE-VALIDATE. Re-validation could take 5-10 mins, based on your environment.

Now, you can initiate the log transfer again.

Related KB: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/59661